I am returning to blogging temporarily to present a case that Anthony Allen Shore is responsible for killing seven more young women and one young man beyond the four murders to which he has confessed. If I am correct in my assessment, then Texas has attempted to execute an innocent man four times for one of those murders, and did in fact execute an innocent man for two of those murders.
To determine whether or not Shore committed any particular murder, I relied on four criteria:
1. Was the victim the type of person that Shore would murder?
2. Was the murder performed in a fashion consistent with Shore's other murders?
3. Was the possible point-of-first-contact between Shore and the victim near Shore's home?
4. Was the timing of the murder consistent with a random walk analysis of Shore's other murders?
I understand that even a strong match on all four criteria does not prove that Shore committed a specific murder. I note, however, that I have identified eight murders that meet three or more of the criteria. The chance that all eight are only coincidentally consistent with Shore is exceptionally small.
In other words, I believe my analysis shows that Anthony Allen Shore is responsible for three times as many murders as he has confessed to. By extension, I believe my analysis reinforces my argument that Larry Swearingen did not kill Melissa Trotter, despite Texas' repeated efforts to execute him for that murder. Similarly by extension, I believe my analysis reinforces my argument that Preston Hughes killed neither Shandra Charles nor Marcell Taylor, despite the fact that Texas has already executed him for those murders.
I will present my analysis in this series, beginning with my next post in which I will identify the other victims of Anthony Allen Shore.
And last but not least, you are going to argue that Shore kidnapped the Lindbergh Baby...
Anon, Shore himself has alluded to more victims, so I don't understand where the sarcasm comes from. It is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility.
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