When I realized that I would easily surpass 50 blog posts in this series, I quickly settled on the name of post number 50. I would call it Opus 50.
From Dictionary.com, the third meaning:
opus: a literary work or composition, as a book.
Opus is a highfalutin word usually made more highfalutin by addition of the word magnum. An opus magnum is not just any old piece of work, it is a great piece of work, perhaps the pinnacle of one's achievements.
I intended to use the word opus as a bit of self mockery, such as when I occasionally refer to this blog as "this august blog." Again from Dictionary.com:
august: inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity or grandeur; majestic.
As it turns out, I did not write Opus 50. This post is merely an introduction and a link to the real Opus 50. The real Opus 50 has just recently been authored by David Protess. David Protess was already famous for his work even before I wrote of him in this august blog: Meet David Protess.
In his 1000 word Huffington Post article, he somehow managed to compress what I have spent 49 blog posts (and perhaps 49,000 words) attempting to convey. My counter to that amazing economy of words is only that I include lots of pretty pictures.
Without further ado, I invite you to read and comment on the real Opus 50: The Skeptical Juror and the Texas Condemned Man, by David Protess.
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