The astute among you have undoubtedly noticed that Hank Skinner is no longer listed as the subject of the next book in The Skeptical Juror series. In fact, if you look over there (upper left, where it says "The Series"), you will notice that no third book is identified.
Here's the deal. I must have the trial transcripts or I cannot write the book. I was unable to obtain the transcripts for the Hank Skinner trial, so I cannot make Hank Skinner the subject of the third book in the series.
Now here's the News Flash. Last Wednesday, shortly after noon, I discovered that The Innocence Project had, when I wasn't looking, posted the transcripts for the Cameron Todd Willingham trial. About ten seconds thereafter, I decided to make Cameron Todd Willingham the subject of the third book in The Skeptical Juror Series. About 10 more seconds thereafter, I began working on the book.
My goal is to have The Skeptical Juror and The Trial of Cameron Todd Willingham completed and on Amazon by Christmas!
(I'm supposed to finish my book On The Rate of Wrongful Conviction soon, so that might slow me down a bit.)
(I should also go through the editorial process on The Skeptical Juror and The Trial of Susan B. Anthony, since I finished the first draft of that book a while ago and I've let it languish.)
(And I need to continue posting, or my readers won't come back.)
(I should also go through the editorial process on The Skeptical Juror and The Trial of Susan B. Anthony, since I finished the first draft of that book a while ago and I've let it languish.)
(And I need to continue posting, or my readers won't come back.)
(Also, I'm involved with a couple of wrongful-conviction cases behind the scenes, and those people absolutely deserve my attention.)
(And I do need to pay my mortgage somehow.)
(And I do need to pay my mortgage somehow.)
My goal is to have The Skeptical Juror and The Trial of Cameron Todd Willingham completed and on Amazon early next year.