Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Case of Preston Hughes III: Summary (Video)


Lynne said...

Great video! I will share this everywhere.

Unknown said...

EXECELLENT video, John. My email to Patrick McCann will be on its way shortly. Not promising I will be nice.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Done and shared. NO ONE should be executed. That the injustice system doesn't give a rat's ass if it frames and knowingly murders the innocent tells us all we need to know about the PIC.
Thank you to whomever put this video together. It is powerful. Susan Mortimer Boston MA

Anonymous said...

I admit that police officers sometimes don't tell the truth. They didn't when I was on trial for misdemeanors. But thankfully, I still won my cases. This system of things has tons of problems. I hate it so much. SC

Anonymous said...

Nice video TSJ, I am going to share some more. Only Time... something that presong Hughes III does not have.

sanpellegrino26 said...

Je pense à cet homme, surement innocent, coupé du monde et attendant sa mise à mort. N'oublions pas que nous avons toutes et tous été des enfants portés par un immense désir de vivre. N'oublions pas et prions pour qu'il puisse sortir de cet enfer.

Jean Pierre, Valence, France
Le 14 novembre 2012

mlc2005 said...

Lovely Enya music, but how about some details? I'm not making any claims about guilt or innocence; let the readers decide for themselves.. but before feeling sorry for those pictured above, remember...

1) De Luna case: (convicted of murdering Wanda Lopez, a gas station worker); 30 mins after she was murdered, De Luna was found by officers hiding under a truck near the gas station, wearing no shoes or shirt (in February), with a wad of small bills in his pocket. Identified by 4 eyewitnesses, De Luna claimed he had "amnesia" the night of the murder; his alibi was disproved, and he had committed multiple robberies before.

2) Garrett Case (convicted of raping and murdering Tadea Benz, a nun): Garrett was seen running from the direction of the convent on the night of the murder. Prints found on the handle and blade of the kitchen knife recovered from under the victim's bed and prints from the bed headboard matched Garrett's. Pubic hairs recovered from the scene were determined to have the same individual characteristics as Garrett's. The steak knife found in the driveway of the convent was of the same manufacture, design and make, and had the same degree of use as another steak knife recovered from Garrett's residence.

3)Spence Case (Brutal rape and murder for hire of 3 teenagers): When sentenced to death, Spence was already in prison for 90 years in an unrelated, brutal aggravated sexual assault conviction; bragged to several friends (not the jail house informants), with nothing to gain by testifying against him, that he raped and killed the three teenagers in Waco, and that "I don't care."

4) Willingham Case (arson murder of his children): This seems to be the poster child for anti-death penalty activists. Arson experts, after the trial, wrote a report criticizing the work of the original arson investigators, and argued that the photos they saw indicated that the fire wasn't arson (clash of experts issue). Nevertheless, Willingham punched his pregnant wife multiple times in the stomach, was seen crouching outside of the house when only smoke was coming from the doors and windows, and did nothing when a neighbor begged him to go and save his children. Read more about the case (not only the propaganda).

5) Newton Case (killed her husband and two kids for insurance): I can't believe this was included; it's not even close. Newton forged her husband's name on insurance papers, naming herself beneficiary of $150,000; she took out policies on each of the victims; the murder weapon was a gun owned by the man Newton was having an affair with; Newton tried to hide the gun, as her relative testified; her legal team was granted new ballistics test, which again proved that the gun in Newton's possession moments after the murders was the murder weapon. A no brainer.

All I ask is that people take the time to read all the details of a case before saying "I like this video" and assuming everyone on death row is innocent.

mlc2005 said...

One final point: All of the people listed above were offered the option of a polygraph exam. The exam is inadmissible at trial, so if the person failed it, it would not harm their chances before a jury. All refused to take the test (Willingham apparently did so in an angry, profanity laced tirade). Even AFTER being convicted and sentenced to die, not one of the people listed above took the test. If you were innocent, were on death row, your appeals had run out, and you had nothing to lose, would you take the test?

Anonymous said...

Good job, mlc2005!

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