Monday, January 10, 2011

Contacting Governor Jay Nixon Re Richard Clay

I used the generic contact form to write Governor Jay Nixon to ask him to halt the execution of Richard Clay.

The required fields included address and phone number. My experience is that the contact request will be automatically rejected if from out of state. I therefore used the contact info for JDs Steakhouse and Saloon at 4 N. Interstate Drive, Sikeston, MO 63801, (573) 471-4431. The form did not specify that the address had to be my address.

The form also required that I select a subject from the dropdown list. I selected "Executions."

In the Comment/Message block, I wrote:
I research and write of wrongful convictions. I have reviewed each January 2011 case of impending execution. I find no fault in any of them other than that of Richard Clay.

I believe, Governor, you are on the verge of allowing a wrongful conviction to take place on your watch. This could taint you, both personally and professionally, for the rest of your life.

I beseech you to at least take the time to read my 6400 word post on the case at


The Skeptical Juror
If you believe Richard Clay should not be executed, please contact Governor Jay Nixon and state your case. Be passionate if you wish, but be polite. Make no threats. Use but don't abuse your freedom of speech.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not believe in the death penalty, reardless of the crime. Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord I Will REPAY !!!

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